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Mission Statement

The mission of the International Society of Aesthetics, Aging Control Medicine and Hair Transplantation (ISAAH) is to foster a global community of aesthetic professionals dedicated to excellence in medical aesthetics, antiaging medicine, and hair transplantation.
We strive to promote collaboration, knowledge exchange, and ethical practices among our members.

Vision Statement

Our vision is to be the leading international association for aesthetic doctors, recognized for setting high standards in education, professional development, and ethical conduct. We envision a global network that empowers aesthetic practitioners to deliver safe, effective, and innovative treatments to enhance patient well-being.

Purpose Statements


Facilitate a dynamic and interconnected community of doctors, creating opportunities for networking, collaboration, and the exchange of ideas and experiences.

Educational Development

Contribute to the educational development of our members by offering accredited courses, workshops, and resources that enhance their skills, knowledge, and expertise in aesthetic medicine, antiaging medicine, and hair transplantation.

International Conference Participation

Organize and facilitate international conferences that serve as platforms for the exchange of cutting-edge research, best practices, and experiences, providing members with opportunities to engage with experts from around the world.

Knowledge Sharing

Promote continuous learning and knowledge sharing through seminars, workshops, and online platforms, ensuring members stay informed about the latest advancements, techniques, and research in the field of aesthetic medicine, antiaging medicine, and hair transplantation.

Recognition by the Education Board

Collaborate with relevant international education boards and authorities to establish and maintain high standards for education and training in aesthetic medicine, antiaging medicine, and hair transplantation, seeking official recognition and accreditation for our programs.

Professional Development

Support the ongoing professional development of members through mentorship programs, certifications, and resources that empower them to achieve excellence in their practice and adapt to evolving industry trends.

Being Up to Date with the World

Keep members abreast of global developments, regulatory changes, and emerging technologies in the field, ensuring that they remain at the forefront of aesthetic medicine and contribute to the advancement of the profession.

ISAAH is dedicated to building a global community that prioritizes collaboration, education, and ethical standards in the field of aesthetic medicine, anti-aging medicine, and hair transplantation with the overarching goal of improving patient outcomes and advancing the profession as a whole.

Become a ISAAH membership today

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